Best Reader Award

                              The Best Reader Award
The college always tries to stick with its slogan – ‘Kuni na raho durbal adnya, Yaach sathi ha shikshan yadnya’ – it simply means ‘no one should be deprived of knowledge/education and hence, is this educational pit’. To make the rural area students efficient and knowledgeable, the Mahatma Phule Library of the college started this best practice in 2008-2009. The practice has proved fruitful as it has developed reading habit of the students.
This award is given to the last years students on his/her performance in the library. The library committee including the librarian and his assistance observes students active participation in the activities determined as the norms of the best reader award. The norms include the behaviour of the student in the library, the availing of library facilities and his constant reading habit. The books which he has read throughout his degree course by numbers and by subjects are taken into consideration. The Award consists of Rs 500 in cash and two best books of the year. The Award is given away in the prize distribution ceremony of the college at the hands of eminent personality. The activity proved successful when a large number of students started utilizing maximum library facilities. It has been observed that students demand for the best book is increasing day by day thereby developing reading culture among the students. Today it has become one of the prestigious award of the college. Up to the present day 07 students have achieved this award.

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